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Hiring neurodivergent persons for jobs

Position Papers Toolkit

Employers are getting more aware of the benefits of realising a diverse workforce and creating an inclusive work environment. Those development are still in an early stage, however, companies who already started experience the benefits.  Hiring neurodivergent persons  brings different perspectives and creative solutions. There is also the experience of positive developments in the production.

Employers need to take into account that specific attention is needed.

Relevant elements are:

  1. Adaptation of the hiring process. The hiring process need to take into account the situation of the neurodivergent persons. Advertisement should be different, information about the job, communication in the hiring process needed to be tuned to the neurodivergent job seekers.

  2. Adaptation of the workplace. The workplace environment is very important for neurodivergent person. There are many situations that can have impact on the performance on the job and they shall vary from person to person. It might be that a person can only perform in a quiet environment.

  3. It is important that supervisors and co-workers are involved and that they are aware and able to work with neurodivergent persons. They can be helpful in providing a supportive work environment.


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